Wolf Puppy

Wolf Puppy
Cute Wolf Puppy

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The end is near...?

1. What piece of work and learning are you most proud?
The piece of work that I am most proud of is my ancient Egyptian diary. I got an A- on it, which is the highest grade I have gotten in Humanities. I think. Also, It was fun so I could enjoy it, and you got some freedom to choose for your egyptian person. Such as name, job, etc...

2. What were your greatest challenges?
The greatest challenges that I have had are both of the Tic- Tac- Toes. I was working with one person who was my profile so it was easier to work with her. For the first one, I had a neat person who didn't trust anyone, a kid who wouldn't stop talking, and me. The second time, I had a kid who wouldn't stop talking, a girl who was trying to kill the other kid, and me.

3. Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?
What I probably learned about myself as an learner is that I prefer to work with myself, but I am a good group leader and I get better grades when I work with a group. Also, I am also not very good at Lit. Circles, and I like to read ahead as an hobby. If the book for Lit. Circles is boring, I won't finish it.

4. To evaluate your work habits, choose 1 of the following from each category ( and provide explanations):

a) Behavior
I am not the perfect student but I am not the imperfect student. I am somewhat satisfactory, which is somewhere in the middle of Not so good and perfect student. Also, I am kinda quiet in class.

b) Participation
I hardly ever participate. If I know something, I might raise my hand, But I hardly ever participate. I like to see if I got it wrong, as in it meaning the question, and I don't want to prove I'm wrong in front of the whole class.

c) Organization
I am somewhat organized and my locker is very clean compared to Pratiti's and Johanna's. I usually bring my stuff to class, and usually do my homework. Actually, I'm not so sure about that one, because I do it but I don't do it.

d) Effort
I have no Idea.
I truly have no Idea because I don't now how much I try in Humanities. I know I am sometimes satisfactory in Math, but I have no idea in Humanities. I try a lot on somethings, but others I totally don't care so I do crappy work.

5. Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for Grade 7 next year.

Goal 1 - In Grade 7, I plan to
Be even more orginized in homework, work, and everything else.

Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to
Have lots of fun! (Though it might be hard)
In 6th grade, you arn't really comfortable inside the school yet, and you are kinda new to things. You also are almost always on time or early, and you don't have fun because of all the homework. So really, just get good grades and have fun!

6.Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?
Not really. I'm moving.

7. What was your favorite activity lesson in Humanities this year? What did you enjoy about it?
I liked the diary for ancient Egypt, because it was really fun to make the paper look really old and found in the sand. I liked how we had time to do it, and we could be really creative. I liked the diary because it was interesting, and all the info was interesting to look at.

8. What activity do you wish we could have spent more time on?
The second Tic- Tac- Toe. Hardly any groups were finished, and really, just one more day would have worked for some. But not my group. We got a horrible grade on it, and I think our group wasn't the best, because there were fists ready to be used, and bad remarks all over the place. Really, I think I spent more time splitting up fights than doing my work.

9. Finally, cast your minds back to the first few months of middle school (when you arrived in Grade 6 ) what "Words of Wisdom" or "Advice" could you pass on to the Class of 2018?
I would probably say that you should not forget to bring a thumb drive and also to always bring your planner. Also, write your combination on your shirt. Don't keep anything important in your bag, because if someone breaks into your locker, you will never see it again.

(Sorry about the two words, they wouldn't un- highlight. And the last part is red because it go confusing because I wasn't sure where the answer was. )

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Quotes and freedom

"The bitter thing was all the spirit, all the gallantry, was wasted. For even more than inferiors, they accepted and looked forward to being Capped. It was a part of becoming a knight, or of turning from a girl to lady. Thinking of this, I saw how good things could be meaningless in isolation. What value did courage have, without a free and challenging mind to direct it?" - A quote from the book White Mountains is from page 111. How does the quote and the rest of the chapter relate to the idea of freedom?

The quote shows what the people in the castle thought of capping, and also it is when Will realises he does not belong there, in the castle. That brings the whole idea of what he left for, which was freedom from the tripods. What Will did was leaving to find freedom and end up in a place like the place he just left. He had totally forgotten about his freedom thing, it seems, until he thought this quote.

The chapter is relating to the whole freedom thing in that is the chapter in Will realises he does not belong. He ran away and found himself in the same situation as before. That is also shows that he would probably leave anyway, and prove again that freedom thing. Also, he was happy at first, and then he found out Eloise was capped and wanted to leave. You could tell he was torn- between freedom and the person he loves. Will made a hard choice, but Henry and Beanpole would have gotten there slower than if they were together. So that was all part of the story.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How will Beanpole help Will and Henry on their journey to the White Mountains ?

Beanpole will help Will and henry get to the White Mountains by knowing the place that they are in now better than Will and Henry do. Beanpole knows france better and Beanpole would know where to go and what to avoid, and where to hide. Also, if Beanpole wants to go to the White Mountains with them, then they would have to carry less stuff.

Beanpole can also help because he knows more people who live there. When they meet Beanpole, there are more people like him, so Beanpole can get info about the place without anybody suspecting anything, because if a kid like will comes up to a adult and asks for food or a route or anything, it would be odd. Beanpole can also know the places like the subway and he can feel more at home in some places.

How is Will like me?

For lit. Circles, we are reading a book called White Mountains. It is about a kid named Will who lives in England, and he lives in about 300 years from us. So, this is in the future. Will has a lot of similarities to other people, but not me at all. The only problem is that Will is not like me at all.
So I really don't know what to say for this thing.

Will is not like me at all, except one thing, which is freedom. I want freedom from my homework, and he just wants plain freedom. Will is not like me because I am not a boy, I do not have a cousin living with me, I do not have an aunt who died recently, I do not have to be capped, I do not have a friend who is capped, I do not think about running away from home, I do not have a well structured paragraph. (Well, that may be another thing in common) Will is not like me at all. Also, I do not have some french guy as a friend, I don't get into fights daily, and I could go on and on.

So, Will is hardly like, me and that reason is we both want freedom. I don't see anything else we have in common.

Friday, February 25, 2011

City Connection

In Humanities we did a city presentation. Everyone in the class did one on a different place around the world that they have lived in. I did Washington D.C, America's capitol.

What do I believe I did well on the project?
I think I did well on getting pictures. Not information about D.C. though. Some of it was wrong. I think I was also pretty good at finding facts about D.C. like that that's were all the cool spy movies are made. Example: Get Smart, Night at the Museum, etc. Also finding the natural resources.

What you would improve for future presentations/projects?
I would try to find the correct number of people in D.C. and put that on my presentation. I would have also liked to find the median age group for boys and girls, and find some more information about D.C. and the resources.I would have liked to also find ,more pictures for the first intro slide. I would also try to go on the first day so I knew what I was going to say and everything like that, and not wait a week.

What did I learn from my presentation in addition to the presentations of others?
Well, I learned that Julia Salin had lived in Addis Ababa and that Canada has a food called beaver tail. At first, I thought People in Canada eat beaver tails. I learned that New Ulm, Texas's paper is in black and white, and you get put in the paper if you get a GPS.

What was my analysis on the performance?
Well, I got 38?40, but I think I got a 35/40. I think that I didn't do much, in how my power point looked or anything, and I don't think the info I had was all correct. Compared to everyone else, my presentation was horrible. But, my friends say I underestimate myself, so I give myself a 35/40.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

In school we learned what our learning profiles are. I found out I am a GESTALT learner, meaning I learn best through movement. I also found out that Albert Einstein seemed to haveI am the same profile, so I can call myself a young Einstein. Julia S, Tatyana and I are young Einsteins. 

I learn best through movement, and when I focus on the whole picture and context. Also I learn best with emotional relevance to myself. 

I need to have a quiet time alone, especially when I am learning something new, or when I am under stress. 

Some things that might help me learn are sitting where I can move without disturbing other people, and I can process quietly and internally. 

I would like my teachers to know that my dominant side is my right side, meaning my right ear, right foot, right hand and right side of my brain are more in control than my left side.

2011 New Years Resolution

My resolutions for 2011 are;

1. I would like to get better grades in school and work harder on homework
I would like better grades so My mom will know I am doing well in school, and that I am working hard, and focusing. That means also I must try not to get anything under than B. That way, my mom will be happy with my grades, and she won't have to check all my work, and I don't have to get in a fight with her, and loose some of my privileges around the house. 

She will be happy and tell my dad, and then we as a family will go out to the Weston or something like that for dinner or lunch or breakfast when we have time. If I work harder on Homework, than I can finish it easier and then I will get better at getting better.

2. I would like to find a sport I like that I can do
I would like to find my sport. What I mean by that is that my mom thinks that everyone in our family has a type of sport that works for them, and they can do easily and it is eligible to do it. For instance, my brother's sport is soccer, my Dad's sport is Volleyball, My mom's is Tennis, and My fish's is swimming, and my dog's is going on walks, which is kinda a sport. 

But I don't have a sport I can do! I like to do High Jump and Rock Climbing, but I live in the forest and so I can't do High Jump and Camp 5 (The place where people rock climb) Is really hard to get to, and you have to make reservations because the place is always full! So my mom wants me to find my sport. Another problem is that I'm an indoor person. I hate going outside to exercise, and I hate rules! So I really hope to find my sport this year.