Wolf Puppy

Wolf Puppy
Cute Wolf Puppy

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How is Will like me?

For lit. Circles, we are reading a book called White Mountains. It is about a kid named Will who lives in England, and he lives in about 300 years from us. So, this is in the future. Will has a lot of similarities to other people, but not me at all. The only problem is that Will is not like me at all.
So I really don't know what to say for this thing.

Will is not like me at all, except one thing, which is freedom. I want freedom from my homework, and he just wants plain freedom. Will is not like me because I am not a boy, I do not have a cousin living with me, I do not have an aunt who died recently, I do not have to be capped, I do not have a friend who is capped, I do not think about running away from home, I do not have a well structured paragraph. (Well, that may be another thing in common) Will is not like me at all. Also, I do not have some french guy as a friend, I don't get into fights daily, and I could go on and on.

So, Will is hardly like, me and that reason is we both want freedom. I don't see anything else we have in common.

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