Wolf Puppy

Wolf Puppy
Cute Wolf Puppy

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2011 New Years Resolution

My resolutions for 2011 are;

1. I would like to get better grades in school and work harder on homework
I would like better grades so My mom will know I am doing well in school, and that I am working hard, and focusing. That means also I must try not to get anything under than B. That way, my mom will be happy with my grades, and she won't have to check all my work, and I don't have to get in a fight with her, and loose some of my privileges around the house. 

She will be happy and tell my dad, and then we as a family will go out to the Weston or something like that for dinner or lunch or breakfast when we have time. If I work harder on Homework, than I can finish it easier and then I will get better at getting better.

2. I would like to find a sport I like that I can do
I would like to find my sport. What I mean by that is that my mom thinks that everyone in our family has a type of sport that works for them, and they can do easily and it is eligible to do it. For instance, my brother's sport is soccer, my Dad's sport is Volleyball, My mom's is Tennis, and My fish's is swimming, and my dog's is going on walks, which is kinda a sport. 

But I don't have a sport I can do! I like to do High Jump and Rock Climbing, but I live in the forest and so I can't do High Jump and Camp 5 (The place where people rock climb) Is really hard to get to, and you have to make reservations because the place is always full! So my mom wants me to find my sport. Another problem is that I'm an indoor person. I hate going outside to exercise, and I hate rules! So I really hope to find my sport this year.

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