Wolf Puppy

Wolf Puppy
Cute Wolf Puppy

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A time when I showed Courage

I was in Ohio for the summer, in 2008, and I was at a fair with my cousion, David.  Josh. David and I went on all the rides we could, but there was one that Josh didn't go on. and I have no idea what its called, sorry. Anyway, David and I went on all the rides Josh couldn't go on, and I was scared. But, I had David and I knew that he was probably scared to.

The ride was green and pink. I had looked at it before, and it was very secure. It had support bars, and seat belts. We were also in a cage, probably so we don't go out. The ride did flips and it went around in every direction, and the cages were connected to the things that spun everything around.

When David and I went on it, the person went around and did all the safety checks, and we were off. I was spinning around like crazy, and screaming hardly. But I was still sceraming. I could hear David screaming too, and he never screamed. I was freaking out. It was really fun though, and afterwards we got cotton candy and watched the fireworks. That was really fun and I hope to do it again.


  1. Nice Blog Julia! I love how you showed the positive side (we got cotton candy and watched the fireworks) at the end of the story. I also like that after you had been brave and rode on the ride, you were eager to do it again. I liked how you named the place, (Ohio) and the time(summer 2008). Another thing I liked was when you took it step by step when the ride was about to start. I've learned that you are a risk taker and thoughtful about others. (Again)Nice blog Julia!:D

  2. great job

    you rely showed courage
