Wolf Puppy

Wolf Puppy
Cute Wolf Puppy

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bullying on the bus

I was on the bus in the 5th grade, and they had assigned seating. This girl who sat in the back with me was getting bullied by three other boys and she told them to stop, and they wouldn't stop. She once had her phone with her, and then she recorded them bullying her. The boys found out, because they didn't know that she was recording, so they asked why she was so happy, and I gave the suggested that she recorded them. So then she said she did, and they told her to delete the video, and she would not delete it. They told her and they told her to delete the video, and she still did not.

Next, they started to attempt to grab her phone, and then delete it, but she fought  them off. They then started hitting her, and punching her, and she started crying. I was watching, and when they tried to grab the phone from her, I wanted to shout stop, but I opened my mouth to tell them, but no words came out. When I got home, I told my mom what happened, and she said I should try better if that happened again.  I was glad she moved seats, and then she also sat with her friends, but I feel really sorry for her, and I hope it never happens to anyone, ever.

I would try to speak up next time, and if it doesn't work I would try again. Also, I wish that never happened to her, and If I could go back it time, an fix one thing, it would be that if I tried to say something and words wouldn't come out, I would call the bus-mounter at the top of my lungs, or try to grab the boys of her instead of just doing nothing.

I really wish I had done something about it, because even though I hardly think about it, sometimes when I see her looking down, she reminds me of the time when she was bullied on the bus. I would have also probably tried to pull the boys off first, because we were at the back of the bus. I'm really glad the girl fought back, and she did her best at fending off the boys.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A time when I showed Courage

I was in Ohio for the summer, in 2008, and I was at a fair with my cousion, David.  Josh. David and I went on all the rides we could, but there was one that Josh didn't go on. and I have no idea what its called, sorry. Anyway, David and I went on all the rides Josh couldn't go on, and I was scared. But, I had David and I knew that he was probably scared to.

The ride was green and pink. I had looked at it before, and it was very secure. It had support bars, and seat belts. We were also in a cage, probably so we don't go out. The ride did flips and it went around in every direction, and the cages were connected to the things that spun everything around.

When David and I went on it, the person went around and did all the safety checks, and we were off. I was spinning around like crazy, and screaming hardly. But I was still sceraming. I could hear David screaming too, and he never screamed. I was freaking out. It was really fun though, and afterwards we got cotton candy and watched the fireworks. That was really fun and I hope to do it again.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

  1. It could help us because then we would know where sacred places are, and we could know where things could be, even how the people died, so that it doesn't happen to us.                                                                           
  2. The early people used art by drawing out things like terrible killings, best hunting spots, even how they feel about someone.
  3. Artifacts tell us how people lived because they show us what happened to them, what they hunted with, and if they could talk, if they could write, and how they communicated.